The Search By Image app allows you to search images which are similar to a reference image. This is for instance useful for finding plant names, mushrooms, animals, people, products, and other things. The app supports Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, and Baidu image search.
The app works as follows:
1.) Either take a picture with the camera or select an image from the photo gallery.
2.) The image is uploaded to a server via a secure connection and automatically deleted later.
3.) Different options (Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu) are available for the image search.
Görüntü app Göre Arama bir referans resme benzer görüntüler aramak için izin verir. Bu, örneğin bitki isimleri, mantar, hayvanlar, insanlar, ürünler ve başka şeyler bulmak için yararlıdır. Uygulamanın Google, Microsoft, Bing, Yandex'i ve Baidu resim arama destekler.
aşağıdaki gibi uygulama çalışır:
1.) kamera ile resim çekmek ya da fotoğraf galerisinden bir resim seçin Ya.
2.) görüntü güvenli bir bağlantı aracılığıyla bir sunucuya yüklenir ve daha sonra otomatik olarak silinir.
3.) farklı seçenekler (Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu) resim arama için kullanılabilir.
The Search By Image app allows you to search images which are similar to a reference image. This is for instance useful for finding plant names, mushrooms, animals, people, products, and other things. The app supports Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, and Baidu image search.
The app works as follows:
1.) Either take a picture with the camera or select an image from the photo gallery.
2.) The image is uploaded to a server via a secure connection and automatically deleted later.
3.) Different options (Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu) are available for the image search.